Eliminate Errors With Configur’s Data Cleansing Platform

Prioritising data quality and maximising performance has never been easier. Empower your teams with reliable and accurate data with Configur’s solution.

Eradicate Duplicates
Improve Data-Driven Decisions
Enhance Trust

Unlock The Potential Of Your Data

Data cleansing is the backbone of gaining accurate business insights.

Through its advanced AI-driven data cleansing and classification engine, which processes structured and unstructured data, Configur’s platform is revolutionising the data quality landscape.

Our engine automatically scans and categorises unstructured text, transforming it into actionable insights and helping you unlock your data’s true potential.

  • Gain deeper insights
  • Eliminate duplicates

Clean Data, Clear Decision-Making

Configur maintains a single source of truth, ensuring consistent and reliable data across your organisation whilst enabling teams to ask more of their data. 

Want to free up valuable resources? Look no further than Configur. Our data cleansing platform ensures clean, accurate data across the board, reducing the time required for analysis and reporting and emboldening employees of all skill levels to make data-driven decisions.

With clean data, the path for empowered decision-making becomes clear, helping to drive efficiency.

  • Single source of truth
  • Employee empowerment

Eradicate Duplicate & Inconsistent Data With A Data Cleansing Solution

Configur’s data cleansing platform removes duplicates, fills in missing data, and standardises data, ensuring consistency across various systems.

Our smart filters have the capability to spot errors and rectify them in real time, ensuring problems aren’t left to escalate.

Say goodbye to duplicate records, inconsistent data, and missing information with Configur’s data cleansing software.

  • Robust data governance 
  • Smart filters to spot and fix errors

Gain More Accurate Insights With AI Cleansing Algorithms

Configur’s data cleansing tool utilises AI cleansing algorithms to ensure data is standardised and reliable.

Our AI classification engine’s ability to handle multi-tiered tagging and geolocation tagging provides deeper data insights and ensures higher data accuracy.

Want to grow alongside AI’s rapid advancements? Configur’s AI-driven platform scales with data volume ensuring ongoing data integrity, making it ideal for growing organisations.

  • User-friendly AI tools
  • Gap analysis and de-duplication actions

Hear it From Our Clients

"Not having to take on the data work [ourselves], [means] we’re looking at roughly 700% ROI"

Richard Butler

Executive Director of Business and Finance, H2OIQ

"Configur is a configurable system. We can develop it and build it the way we want to meet our needs.

Alex Daniels

Director, BIMBox

"I’d 100% recommend Configur to anyone looking to save time in their business, simplify their processes, and put all of their systems in one place."

Daisy Purkis

Founder and Director, Marketing Purks


What is the importance of data quality? 

High-quality data is essential for making accurate decisions, improving operational efficiency, and driving business success. Investing in a data cleansing solution ensures that the data is reliable, relevant, and actionable, reducing errors and increasing trust in data-driven insights.

What are common data quality challenges?

Common data quality challenges include:

  • Incomplete Data: Missing or partial information can lead to incorrect data-driven decisions.
  • Inconsistent Data: When data is not standardised, it can result in misinterpretation or incorrect insights.
  • Duplicate Data: Redundant entries can skew analysis and decision-making.
  • Outdated Data: Information that is no longer accurate or relevant can lead to poor decisions.
What are the characteristics of data quality?

The characteristics of data quality include:

  • Accuracy: Data should correctly reflect the real-world entities or events it represents.
  • Consistency: Data should be uniform across all systems and platforms.
  • Completeness: All required information should be present in the dataset.
  • Timeliness: Data should be up to date and reflect the most current information available.
  • Relevance: Data should be applicable to the context and decisions being made.
How can data cleansing software be used to improve data quality? 

Data cleansing software, like Configur, can improve data quality by identifying and correcting errors, removing duplicate records, filling in missing information, and standardising data formats. This ensures that the data is accurate, consistent, and complete, allowing businesses to make better decisions based on trustworthy information.

Ready To Transform Your Data?