5 Benefits of Workflow Automation

September 18, 2024
5 min read

Many organisations will recognise the difficulty of streamlining processes whilst trying to minimise costs.

That said, workflow automation is enabling an increasing number of enterprises to do just that whilst helping them to operate more efficiently.

Workflow automation is the process of streamlining and automating business processes and activities that make up a workflow with minimal human intervention.

Why Workflow Automation Is Important

Manual processes are not only time-consuming but are much more susceptible to human error.

Workflow automation is important for many reasons. Not only does it reduce costs and improve accuracy, but it also relieves employees of tedious, low-value work. 

This frees up time to allow them to channel their focus on more pressing and fulfilling work for the benefit of the organisation.

The benefits of workflow automation include, but are not limited to:

  1. Workflow automation saves time and increases productivity
  2. It improves operational efficiency  
  3. It promotes accountability
  4. It reduces errors
  5. Workflow automation improves the customer experience 

1. Workflow Automation Saves Time & Increases Productivity 

Workflow automation saves time and increases productivity.

Research has shown that ‘42% [of workers] are bogged down with manual work’, which can significantly reduce productivity.

Completing menial tasks manually not only takes time but also zaps creativity and productivity, which is where workflow automation can offer significant support.

When teams no longer have to waste time working on time-consuming, repetitive tasks, this unlocks more time for them to focus on more complex problems and tasks.

Embolden your teams to find more fulfilment in their job role through workflow automation.

2. It Improves Operational Efficiency

Manual tasks can cause a significant drain on your resources, slowing down workflows.

Workflow automation standardises business processes so that more work can be completed with fewer resources.

Moreover, the right workflow automation software can automatically process and analyse data, identify patterns, and generate actionable insights to guide operational decisions and improvements.

By implementing workflow automation, businesses can reduce manual tasks whilst creating opportunities for greater efficiency across the whole organisation.

Are you ready to empower your business with a smart workflow automation solution? Configur can help.

Book a call with a member of our team today to learn how our services can assist you.

Configur's data visualisation widget - Process performance line graph detailing Sales, Shipping, and Customer Experience.
The right workflow automation software can automatically process and analyse data, identify patterns, and generate actionable insights.

3. It Promotes Accountability 

Manual processes can often go undocumented, with managers expecting employees to understand their role and prioritise work appropriately.

With research showing that only 40% of employees feel as if their manager holds them accountable for goals they set, it’s clear accountability in the workplace is an ongoing issue for many organisations.

What Is Accountability In The Workplace?

In short, accountability in the workplace means all members of an organisation take responsibility for their actions and performance, and it is an essential component for high-performing teams.

Workflow automation promotes accountability by allowing organisations to better track employee actions and contributions to ongoing projects.

Workflow automation solutions enable managers to create and assign tasks to employees and clearly indicate priorities. 

This helps to foster a culture of accountability, as management can set expectations for team members and monitor their status towards completion, and employees can better understand their responsibilities.

Accountability can consequently improve productivity, helping businesses to operate more efficiently overall. 

4. It Reduces Errors 

Aside from being time-consuming and often difficult to manage, manual processes are highly prone to human error. The multi-touch points associated with manual processes mean that errors can occur in numerous ways. 

For example, repetitive and monotonous tasks that could be automated not only overwhelm employees but can also reduce their focus, increasing the risk of errors and decreasing efficiency.   

This can result in more time and money wasted in rectifying mistakes and inaccuracies that could have been avoided.

Automation allows for the minimisation of manual errors with consistent, automated processes. By investing in a workflow automation solution to automate data entry and approval workflows, you can almost eliminate errors.

For instance, it eliminates the need to manually input data into several systems, as once the data has been recorded, it can automatically be shared between various sources.

Even if errors do occur, an automated system will notify you of where the problem is to enable you to rectify it quickly.

Dashboard with widgets for data visualisation - Suppliers bar chart and Costs pie chart.
Automation allows for the minimisation of manual errors with consistent, automated processes, enabling businesses to save time and money.

5. Workflow Automation Improves The Customer Experience 

Lastly, workflow automation improves the customer experience. 

From reduced errors and wait times to enhanced communication, workflow automation can make the customer experience more seamless and enjoyable.

If your competitors already rely on workflow automation, they’re likely to be regarded more highly for responsiveness and speed by their customers, especially when you consider that ‘21% of customers expect their ticket to be resolved immediately’.

By freeing up time for teams to interact with customers and rectify problems as and when they occur through workflow automation, you can encourage customer retention and continue to build a strong reputation that helps your organisation remain competitive.

That said, automating workflows can ensure a more consistent, reliable, and efficient customer experience.

Configur's widget for Customer List - When a customer NPS score is lower than 6, send a message.
From reduced errors and wait times to enhanced communication, workflow automation can make the customer experience more seamless.

How Configur’s Automation Software Can Help

Are you interested in emboldening your organisation with automation software? Configur can help.

Our customisable workflow automation software is designed to empower enterprises to maximise efficiency, streamline business processes, and more.

Contact us at info@goconfigur.com or on 01633649263 to speak with one of our experts today.

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